Circle time! Here we are with teachers Kelly and Ari. We are multi-lingual counting, while doing yoga poses and balancing beanbags. During circle time, preschoolers practice listening and following teacher-led activities like yoga, meditation, music, dancing, calendar, show and share, number & letter work, movement games and so much more! Sometimes a teacher will play the guitar and we sing. Ukuleles, drums, and percussion instruments are also available for all students.


  • A variety of sensory, open-ended, learning opportunities such as clay, sand, water, gardening, baking, mixing, pouring, sorting, etc.

  • A dedicated room and wide variety of art mediums and activities such as finger paints, water paints, tempura paints, glue, feathers, collage, pencils, markers, crayons, flubber, sculpture, etc.

  • Teacher guitar playing & sing-alongs. Music making, singing, movement, dance, yoga, and guided meditation. Drums & ukuleles for each child and instruction. Wide selection of instruments students can explore.

  • Free, unstructured play time to build, nurture, make believe, “cook”, work on puzzles, dress up, imagine and create.

  • Group and individual story times and storytelling

  • Emergent literacy activities

  • Daily playtime in a spacious yard with a large sand box


(Preschool For All Schedule Starting Fall 2025)


  • Creative/Free Play

  • Art Projects

  • Snacks


  • Teacher Led Circle

greetings, stories, songs, music

movement, yoga, dance, and/or academics

  • Transition to Outside Play


  • Outside Creative/Free Play

  • Small Literacy+ Groups

  • Lunch