A variety of sensory, open-ended, learning opportunities such as clay, sand, water, gardening, baking, mixing, pouring, sorting, etc.
A dedicated room and wide variety of art mediums and activities such as finger paints, water paints, tempura paints, glue, feathers, collage, pencils, markers, crayons, flubber, sculpture, etc.
Teacher guitar playing & sing-alongs. Music making, singing, movement, dance, yoga, and guided meditation. Drums & ukuleles for each child and instruction. Wide selection of instruments students can explore.
Free, unstructured play time to build, nurture, make believe, “cook”, work on puzzles, dress up, imagine and create.
Group and individual story times and storytelling
Emergent literacy activities
Daily playtime in a spacious yard with a large sand box
(Preschool For All Schedule Starting Fall 2025)
Creative/Free Play
Art Projects
Teacher Led Circle
greetings, stories, songs, music
movement, yoga, dance, and/or academics
Transition to Outside Play
Outside Creative/Free Play
Small Literacy+ Groups